Insitu Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Unsaturated Soils due to Wetting

نوع: Type: thesis

مقطع: Segment: masters

عنوان: Title: Insitu Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Unsaturated Soils due to Wetting

ارائه دهنده: Provider: nazari mohammad mahdi

اساتید راهنما: Supervisors: Dr.maleki mohammad

اساتید مشاور: Advisory Professors:

اساتید ممتحن یا داور: Examining professors or referees: Dr.makarchian masoud & Dr.ouhadi vahidreza

زمان و تاریخ ارائه: Time and date of presentation: tuesday 26 october in 18.:00- 20.00

مکان ارائه: Place of presentation: adobe connect

چکیده: Abstract: Collapsible soils are based on geotechnic engineering and geologic engineering among the problematic soils. They are mainly form windy or alluvial deposits which are also sensitive to rising moisture. These soils are reported to exist on five continents of the world. Research on the behavior of soils due to wetting is mostly in one-dimensional consolidation test conditions and many criteria have been proposed to determine the collapsible potential; However, it seems that doing In field experiments are effective and desirable for a more accurate evaluation of a geotechnical project. Existence of arid and semi-arid climate conditions in Iran and helping this type of climatic conditions to increase more problems of collapsible soils and lack of attention to the presence of collapsible soils and factors affecting the phenomenon of collapsing has been caused extensive damage to structures and surface and subsurface erosion. Furthermore, applying wetting conditions to unsaturated soils has caused a decrease shear strength in soil and creation geotechnical problems such as the formation of sinkholes, collapse, excessive deformation and the instability of the slopes. To solve these problems, it is necessary to identify these types of soils that field experiments are more important for more accurate identification. Importance of field studies compared with laboratory studies due to sampling errors, sampling and changes in samples in the laboratory and the importance of studying on collapsible soils occording to a large part of the surface soils that are unsaturated, a new idea for study about capability of soil collapsing has been created. In this study, the aim is to design and build a device that can apply stress and wetting to the soil. For this purpose, the device is made in such a way that after being placed inside the borehole, it is first fixed by relying on the borehole wall and then it applies a certain stress to the borehole floor and at the same time with the application of stress, it is possible to apply wetting. Then, by sampling the soil and performing consolidation experiments on the sample, the results obtained from this experiment are compared with the results of field experiments and the logical relationship between the two is studied. The results obtained from field and laboratory tests have shown that due to the fact that the soil volume and the width of the borehole are not known in the field experiment, a significant relationship can not be established for the strains; But there is a logical correlation between the results from both field and laboratory tests. Also, in-field tests due to the non-confinement and non-tampering of the sample provide more realistic results of soil behavior

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