Inverting Radiative Transfer Models to Estimate Leaf Biochemical Parameters

نوع: Type: thesis

مقطع: Segment: masters

عنوان: Title: Inverting Radiative Transfer Models to Estimate Leaf Biochemical Parameters

ارائه دهنده: Provider: Farzad Amani

اساتید راهنما: Supervisors: Hossein Torabzadeh Khorasani (Ph. D)

اساتید مشاور: Advisory Professors: Mohammad Sayari(Ph. D)

اساتید ممتحن یا داور: Examining professors or referees: Hassan Khotanlou (ph. D) and Morteza Heidarimozaffar (ph. D)

زمان و تاریخ ارائه: Time and date of presentation: 2022-09-21 Around 2 p.m

مکان ارائه: Place of presentation: Civil engineering seminar-2

چکیده: Abstract: Since the quality and quantity of agricultural products directly affect human health, the monitoring and control of such products is always a priority. In this regard, various processes in precision agriculture continuously measure things such as the health status of vegetation, plant stress, photosynthesis status, and finally the amount of crop production. The changes in photo-centric pigments, especially chlorophyll and leaf area index, play a significant role in diagnosing the health of the plant so that by continuously measuring these parameters, the condition of the plant against environmental stress can be understood. The current measurement methods are destructive and point-based, but the inversion of radiation transfer models can estimate the biophysical and biochemical parameters of plants using extensive satellite observations and without the need for sampling. are. The research aims to use radiation transfer models to estimate the chlorophyll and leaf surface index of potato plants during the growth period. To achieve this goal, the PROSAIL radiation transfer model was used. Field measurements were carried out directly on a research farm on the outskirts of Hamedan city during May, June, and July. These measurements were carried out according to different stages of growth, from the time of germination to the full maturity of the tubers and in five harvests. SENTINEL-2 satellite images were taken simultaneously with field observations. Using the lookup table method, the combined PROSAIL model was inverted and the amount of chlorophyll and leaf area index were estimated. The amount of leaf chlorophyll at the beginning of the growing season with the accuracy of RMSE= 2.72 (µg/cm2) and the coefficient of explanation R2= 0.83 and at the end of the growing season with the accuracy of RMSE= 1.48 (µg/cm2) and the coefficient of explanation R2= 0.9 was estimated. The lower accuracy of chlorophyll estimation at the beginning of the growing season can be due to the sensitivity of the model to the structure of the plant canopy and the greater interference of the soil background at that stage; Also, the leaf area index at the beginning of the growing season with an accuracy of RMSE=0.11 (µg/cm2) and the coefficient of explanation R2 = 0.98 and at the end of the growing season with an accuracy of RMSE=0.27 (µg/cm2) and a coefficient of Explanation R2 = 0.83 was estimated. The results show that in most growth stages, the PROSAIL radiation transfer model performed accurately, although it needs changes to increase reliability in all growth stages

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