Investigating the relationship between the results of Standard Penetration Test and geotechnical properties of Sanandaj soils

نوع: Type: thesis

مقطع: Segment: masters

عنوان: Title: Investigating the relationship between the results of Standard Penetration Test and geotechnical properties of Sanandaj soils

ارائه دهنده: Provider: Saleh Elahimanesh

اساتید راهنما: Supervisors: Dr Qadimi

اساتید مشاور: Advisory Professors:

اساتید ممتحن یا داور: Examining professors or referees: Dr Maleki and Dr Ouhadi

زمان و تاریخ ارائه: Time and date of presentation: 1400/11/27 - 16-18 at

مکان ارائه: Place of presentation: Online

چکیده: Abstract: Safe design of geotechnical structures requires access to sufficient parameters and information about soils and rocks. On the other hand, due to the natural nature of soil and rock, geotechnical data are faced with various uncertainties such as natural variability and problems in the quality of their extraction. Therefore, design engineers are forced to use bulky and costly geotechnical experiments and studies. Finding ways to communicate existing data (from limited experiments) and other design data can be effective in reducing this time and cost. This relationship is established in practice by correlational relationships. Much research has been done on the correlation between different geotechnical parameters. Azzouz et al., 1976 with extensive studies on clay soils in Greece and parts of the United States introduced a correlation between compaction index and moisture content. In the field of shear wave velocity correlation based on the results of cone penetration experiments, various studies have been conducted, such as Mayne, 2006 and Robertson, 2009. The results of existing research show that many soil geotechnical parameters such as hardness and strength, shear wave velocity, relative density, density, load capacity, liquefaction potential, internal friction angle, etc are correlated with the standard penetration number. Extensive research has been done in different parts of the world. In the field of correlation of shear wave velocity with standard penetration number, many researches have been done by researchers, which can be done by Imai and Tonouchi, 1982; Rollins et al., 1998; and Hasancebi & Ulusay, 2007 and Jafari et al., 2003. Numerous studies have been conducted on the correlation between standard penetration testing and cone penetration testing, which can be referred to the research of Jarushi et al., 2015. Anbazhagan et al., 2016 used correlation between specific gravity (dry and wet) and N_SPT using data measured in LucknowIndia. Alam et al., 2018 conducted a correlation study of the parameters obtained from the standard penetration test and the cone penetration test in Lahore, Pakistan. Yildiz, 2021 examined the correlation between the parameters obtained from these two experiments using the results obtained from the standard penetration test and the pressuremeter test in Istanbul, Turkey.It is clear that due to the diversity of soil behavior in different regions, it is necessary to study and validate the existing correlation relationships for the soil in the area under study. The purpose of this study is to investigate and determine the relationship between the results of standard infiltration tests and geotechnical properties of soils in Sanandaj urban area. For this purpose, a detailed collection of information from geotechnical reports related to recent years in this area was studied. Then, all information and geotechnical parameters related to the subject and available in the reports were collected and categorized in the form of a database. In the next step, according to the quality of the reports and focusing on the alluvial clay layers of the site, the data of this database was refined and reduced. Finally, using SPSS software and statistical methods and linear and nonlinear regressions, the most appropriate relationships and correlation graphs between the standard penetration number and some geotechnical parameters were obtained. The set of correlation relationships establishes the relationship between the standard penetration number and the parameters of internal friction angle, cohesion, unlimited compressive strength, non-drained cohesion, modulus of elasticity and shear wave velocity. The correlation relations of N_SPT with〖 q〗_u,〖 c〗_u,E_s, c΄are linear. And the correlation relationship N_SPT with〖 V〗_s and Ø is power. The values of the correlation coefficients for all the obtained relations are obtained and they are all within acceptable limits. Also, the obtained relationships and diagrams were compared with the relationships and diagrams of other researchers. Except for the N_SPT correlation with Ø and 〖 E〗_s other correlation relationships were highly consistent with similar relationships from other researchers. In order to validate the results obtained from the study, the predicted values obtained from the relationships were compared with the results obtained from separate and newer sets of data. In all correlation relationships obtained from this study, the estimated values for the parameters were significantly close and consistent with the new parameters obtained from the experiments

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