بررسی، مدلسازی و ساخت مکانیزم ترکیبی برداشت انرژی از جریان باد و ارتعاشات با استفاده از مواد پیزوالکتریک

نوع: Type: thesis

مقطع: Segment: masters

عنوان: Title: بررسی، مدلسازی و ساخت مکانیزم ترکیبی برداشت انرژی از جریان باد و ارتعاشات با استفاده از مواد پیزوالکتریک

ارائه دهنده: Provider: Samaneh Farhani

اساتید راهنما: Supervisors: Shooshtari Alireza (PH.D)

اساتید مشاور: Advisory Professors: Mohsen Goodarzi (PH.D)

اساتید ممتحن یا داور: Examining professors or referees: Ali Alavi Nia (PH.D) Rahman Seifi (PH.D)

زمان و تاریخ ارائه: Time and date of presentation: On Thursday, April, 04, 2021 at 16:00 to 18:00

مکان ارائه: Place of presentation:

چکیده: Abstract: In this dissertation, the basic concepts of energy, its history and types, the structure of piezoelectric materials, and fluid-induced vibrations are first stated. Then, the performance of different types of piezoelectric wind energy harvesters are investigated and compared. Based on the results of this comparison, the effective parameters in improving the harvester performance were obtained as follows: The system driver is rotary and similar to a turbine. The piezoelectric materials are stressed by impact. Ceramic piezoelectric materials are used. The harvester is able to strike a number of piezoelectric ceramics at the same time. It is possible to combine piezoelectric, electromagnetic, and solar panel converters in one harvester. Based on these data, some initial ideas were presented and finally, a mechanism was designed and built-in which for every degrees of shaft rotation, nine piezoelectric ceramics are hit simultaneously, and energy is extracted. On the other hand, to increase the efficiency of this device, a servo motor is connected to the shaft to absorb the electrical energy generated by the magnetic field generated in the motor windings. The structure of the electrical circuit used to consume and store energy is described. Finally, some of the dynamic parameters of the device are analyzed in Adams software and the piezoelectric effect is simulated in Comsol software. In practice, this mechanism has the ability to turn on the LEDs simultaneously, or the energy produced by the piezoelectrics can be stored. It is observed that at wind speeds between and where the rotational speed of the shaft is slower and the nuts strike the piezoelectric regularly, the energy is swept by the piezoelectric circuits. And at higher wind speeds, where the nuts are fixed at the end of their path on the surface of the hexagonal prism, at high rotational speeds of the shaft, energy is harvested by the servo motor's magnetic circuit. Using a better type of piezoelectric material will increase system efficiency. This system can be used for personal use in gardens and farms, as well as for use in public areas. The dimensions of the system can be changed and it can be made in smaller dimensions. In a built-in device, the wind range in which energy is harvested while the structure is stable is greater than in other systems.

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