.Performance assessment of two NDDCTs in tandem orientation with elliptic arrangement of the radiators during windy condition - دانشکده فنی و مهندسی
.Performance assessment of two NDDCTs in tandem orientation with elliptic arrangement of the radiators during windy condition

نوع: Type: Thesis
مقطع: Segment: masters
عنوان: Title: .Performance assessment of two NDDCTs in tandem orientation with elliptic arrangement of the radiators during windy condition
ارائه دهنده: Provider: mahdi malekyar
اساتید راهنما: Supervisors: dr mohsen Goodarzi
اساتید مشاور: Advisory Professors:
اساتید ممتحن یا داور: Examining professors or referees: dr Mohammad Saeid Aghighi ve dr amireh nourbakhsh
زمان و تاریخ ارائه: Time and date of presentation: 2025
مکان ارائه: Place of presentation: 55
چکیده: Abstract: A dry cooling tower refers to a tower where circulating water flows through finned pipes, and the cooling air passes over the pipes. Therefore, all the heat removed from the circulating water is transferred as sensible heat to the cooling air. Dry cooling towers can either be of the mechanical draft type or the natural draft type Cooling towers have received increased attention in recent years. By using these towers, the location of a power plant can be chosen regardless of the availability of large amounts of cooling water. As a result, a power plant can be built near rich fuel sources, eliminating the cost of transporting fuel, or near load distribution centers, reducing the cost of electricity transmission. Additionally, using a dry cooling tower can enable the development of an existing power plant that couldn't be expanded due to a lack of water resources. Other advantages of dry cooling towers include lower maintenance costs compared to wet towers and a reduced need for chemicals and frequent cleaning. The main disadvantage of dry cooling towers is that their efficiency is not as high as wet towers. As a result, using this type of tower results in higher turbine pressure, lower power cycle efficiency, and increased heat dissipation. Crosswind can significantly reduce the efficiency of natural dry cooling towers. This study explores solutions that could improve the performance of cooling towers on windy days, particularly focusing on wind breakdown methods inside and around the towers. The study examines a real scenario with two cooling towers featuring an oval-shaped radiator arrangement in sequence, under crosswind conditions, using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) methods. The results showed that the interaction between two adjacent towers is a combination of negative blocking effects and positive wind breakdown effects, and its impact on radiators with different
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