Adaptive impedance shaping-based optimal voltage regulator for inverter interfaced distributed generation units - دانشکده فنی و مهندسی
Adaptive impedance shaping-based optimal voltage regulator for inverter interfaced distributed generation units

نوع: Type: thesis
مقطع: Segment: Masters
عنوان: Title: Adaptive impedance shaping-based optimal voltage regulator for inverter interfaced distributed generation units
ارائه دهنده: Provider: Raziyeh Jabari
اساتید راهنما: Supervisors: Dr. MohammadHasan Moradi , DR. Zahra Sohrabi
اساتید مشاور: Advisory Professors: Dr. Mohsen Eskandari
اساتید ممتحن یا داور: Examining professors or referees: Ghaniee Zarch Majid and Ramezani Abbas
زمان و تاریخ ارائه: Time and date of presentation: 2022
مکان ارائه: Place of presentation:
چکیده: Abstract: In the islanded microgrid, voltage and frequency control along with active and reactive power control is one of the important control challenges and power changes in the microgrid cause a change in its voltage. Therefore, adjusting the voltage around the desired value is one of the control objectives of distributed generation units. So far, various control strategies have been proposed to regulate the optimal voltage in the microgrid. Most of these methods are designed for a specific operating point and the voltage adjustment in them is usually done by designing optimal coefficients for the controller, these control coefficients are fixed and offline (pre) optimally are determined by objective functions. Due to the nonlinear of the microgrid structure, these constant coefficient controllers with operating point variations do not provide proper and optimal performance for voltage regulation. Therefore, in this dissertation, a two-step combined method for adjusting the optimal voltage in the microgrid, including online and offline operation, is proposed to determine the control coefficients comparatively. In the offline operation , according to the load predection, the voltage control coefficients are determined and stored based on the optimization of the objective functions. At this stage, the voltage control coefficients are determined using the PSO optimization algorithm in such a way that the desired objective function is minimized. These voltage control coefficients are saved to be used if necessary and in accordance with load changes in the online operation .In the online operation , based on changes in load consumption, three general modes are possible. The first case, no load changes, the control coefficients remain unchanged. In the second case, the load changes according to the prediction, the control coefficients are updated with the help of the coefficients stored in the offline operation. The third case, the load changes are not in accordance with the prediction, in which case, in addition to the control signal obtained from the second stage, the supplementary control signal (soft adjustment) with the help of PI controller to compensate for the load prediction does not conform to The system is added. The proposed hybrid method is simulated in MATLAB / SIMULINK software and is used to adjust the optimal voltage in the islanded microgrid. And the results were compared with the results of the article [18]. This comparison shows the better performance of the proposed method when load changes.
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