Assessment of correlation between concrete durability tests - دانشکده فنی و مهندسی
Assessment of correlation between concrete durability tests

نوع: Type: thesis
مقطع: Segment: masters
عنوان: Title: Assessment of correlation between concrete durability tests
ارائه دهنده: Provider: Amirali Seyed Razavi
اساتید راهنما: Supervisors: Dr. Javad Taherinezhad
اساتید مشاور: Advisory Professors: Dr. Mohsen Tadayon
اساتید ممتحن یا داور: Examining professors or referees: Dr. Seyed Mahdi Hosseinian, Dr Ebrahim Ghiasvand
زمان و تاریخ ارائه: Time and date of presentation: September, 20, 2022 - 10 AM
مکان ارائه: Place of presentation: Seminar 2
چکیده: Abstract: Premature failure and increasing maintenance costs of existing concrete structures are important challenges in the construction industry. Furthermore, the approval of concrete mix design based only on the compressive strength criterion and the reduction of the service life of these structures due to the penetration of aggressive ions shows the necessity of assessing the durability of concrete. Unlike the compressive strength that is evaluated in a short time, evaluating the durability of concrete is time-consuming and costly, and it is impossible to easily evaluate the durability indicators in any project. In recent years, short-term methods of assessing concrete durability, such as water penetration under pressure, electrical resistivity, rapid chloride permeability test (RCPT), and rapid chloride migration test (RCMT), have been considered, and some studies indicate a strong correlation between the results from these tests. According to the standards of the Iranian Concrete Code and the necessity of examining at least three cases of durability tests in different exposure conditions with aggressive agents, it will be useful to establish a relationship between the results and their prediction to avoid multiple tests. In this research, the results of durability tests of concrete samples presented in authoritative articles as well as the data available in the technical literature and archives of a consulting engineering company have been used to express quantitative relationships between the most important durability tests of concrete and the effect of different conditions and additives on the correlation to be examined between the results. The correlation between the data and the prediction about the results has been done by fitting the regression functions to the data and analyzing the artificial neural networks, respectively. The results of fitting different functions to the data show a proper correlation between the mentioned durability test results, and considering the variety of characteristics, the results are reliable. The obtained correlation coefficients range from 0.74 to 0.91. The highest correlation is obtained between the chloride ion diffusion coefficient results and its accelerated penetration, and the lowest value is related to the relationship between water penetration and RCPT. Furthermore, the results obtained from the analysis of the artificial neural network show a strong correlation between the results from these experiments, and the results predicted by this network are close to the main results with appropriate accuracy, and in some relationships, it has performed more accurately than the regression method
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