Water footprint of construction wastes of widely used materials at construction sites based on water footprint network model: A case study of construction wastes in Hamedan - دانشکده فنی و مهندسی
Water footprint of construction wastes of widely used materials at construction sites based on water footprint network model: A case study of construction wastes in Hamedan

نوع: Type: thesis
مقطع: Segment: masters
عنوان: Title: Water footprint of construction wastes of widely used materials at construction sites based on water footprint network model: A case study of construction wastes in Hamedan
ارائه دهنده: Provider: hosna saeeidi
اساتید راهنما: Supervisors: dr seyed mehdi hosseinian
اساتید مشاور: Advisory Professors:
اساتید ممتحن یا داور: Examining professors or referees: dr taherinejad-dr ghiasvand
زمان و تاریخ ارائه: Time and date of presentation: 2024
مکان ارائه: Place of presentation: Faculty of Engineering
چکیده: Abstract: Construction industry is one of the most important industry in the world. This industry is one of the main water Consumer in the world. In addition to water consumption, the construction industry is also problematic in Terms of plluting the environment, carbon production, energy consumption, construction waste production And greenhouse gas production. Today the issue of water shortage is one of the environmental threats, Especially in dry areas. The lack of water in these areas leads to researchers concern and has caused Construction industry pay more attention to water footprint issue. Construction material production consume a significant amount of water, wich can be calculated with water Footprint concept. The water footprint concept is a scale for calculating the volume of water that is used directly And indirectly in prouduct production. Quantifying construction waste and material water footprint helps city Managers to pay more attention to the amount of construction waste that is prouduced and attend to volume of water that construction industry is consuming.With construction waste quantification methods, it is possible to Evaluate the construction waste volume in construction sites and then using the water footprint network, to Calculate the water foot print of construction waste. Fortunately, Currentley, due to the observance of sustainable production indicators, investigating the issue of Construction waste quantification has gained special importance. Unfortunately in Iran the statistics of Construction waste quantification and material water footprint are not comprehensive; therefore, the necessity Of conducting this research become meaningful. The present study examines the residential buildings water Footprint waste with five to nine floors in Hamedan city. This work has been done by completing questionnaire by Site vision method. This study include 100 buildings in four different areas of Hamedan city. The Quastionnarie Is prepared in tabular format including information on consumption and waste of widley used Materials such As: Cement, concrete, concrete block, rebar and polystyrene block.Other information based on Floor Numbers,floor area, total area, contract type and regional location.After collecting the aforementioned Information the data were statistically analyzed using the multiple linear regression mwthods and SPSS Software. In the following, quantitative relation ships were presented for the amount of material consumption And the amount of material waste at the end, The water footprint of cement, concrete, concrete block, rebar And polystyrene block was calculated. Examining the results shows that compared to other materials, rebar has The lowest waste and at the same time has the largest water footprint. The results of
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