A disaggregate approach to estimate demolition and renovation wastes - دانشکده فنی و مهندسی
A disaggregate approach to estimate demolition and renovation wastes

نوع: Type: thesis
مقطع: Segment: masters
عنوان: Title: A disaggregate approach to estimate demolition and renovation wastes
ارائه دهنده: Provider: Mohammad Pordel
اساتید راهنما: Supervisors: Dr. Mohsen Babaei
اساتید مشاور: Advisory Professors:
اساتید ممتحن یا داور: Examining professors or referees: Dr.Taherinezhad-Dr.Torabzadeh
زمان و تاریخ ارائه: Time and date of presentation: 2023-10-10
مکان ارائه: Place of presentation: Faculty of Technology and Engineering - Class B5
چکیده: Abstract: Construction waste management is very important in order to protect the environment and society's economy. On the other hand, due to the increase in urbanization and the need to build new buildings and renovate old buildings, the amount of construction waste has increased significantly. One of the main pillars of construction waste management is the accurate estimation of its production volume; Because, by using the information obtained from estimating the volume of construction waste, relevant organizations and people can take the necessary measures on how to properly manage it. Since the main source of construction waste production is the destruction of urban buildings, modeling the decision of owners to demolish the building under their possession is directly related to the production of construction waste volume. Therefore, the main goal of the current research is to provide a new and accurate solution for estimating the amount of construction waste based on modeling the behavior of the owners. In the first step, this research has identified the target population and by using the questionnaire and using the theories of discrete choice and logistics (double logit) in a twin way, in order to identify the variables influencing the preferences and attitudes of the owners. Then, in the second step, the identified variables have been evaluated using existing validation methods. According to the results obtained from this research, the model is able to correctly predict properties prone to destruction in 84.8% of cases. Due to the fact that few studies have been conducted regarding the identification of the owners' preferences based on the effective factors in destruction, it is not possible to compare the results with other researches; Therefore, in order to validate the results obtained and the applicability of the present research, using the field visit and information obtained from the urban planning department of Tabriz metropolis, properties with residential use in the conservation area of Tabriz Region 2 municipality were selected as a sample and investigated. In this regard, 7,518 properties were investigated and 490 properties susceptible to destruction were identified, which was 11% different from the number of demolition and renovation permits issued in 1401, which was 436. Then properties with the same characteristics were identified and categorized into 85 different types. In the following, using the fixed coefficients of the model and variables, the logit coefficient corresponding to the unique properties of the properties was calculated and finally multiplied by the number of similar properties to obtain the number of properties prone to destruction. Also, the volume of construction waste in case of destruction of all the properties identified as susceptible to destruction (in the most pessimistic case) was estimated to be 192 thousand tons per square meter. The results of this research show that the identified variables such as the location of the property, the regional value of the property, the size of the property, the age of the building, the width of the road, the ratio of renovated properties to dilapidated properties, and the number of existing floors of the property are significant variables and are based on the preferences of the owners. It affects the act of destruction in the city of Tabriz. Also, the results of the present study show that the identified variables have a significance level value equal to or less than 0.05 and therefore volunteered to enter the model. In the following, according to the results of goodness of fit test, the value of the significance level was equal to 0.000 and the statistic with chi-square distribution equal to 241.505 was obtained; Based on this, it can be concluded that the goodness of fit of the model is acceptable and according to the obtained results, the identified variables can be generalized to the statistical population. It is worth mentioning that obvious and hidden factors are influential in the owners' preferences, and due to the limitations in research works, it is practically not possible to identify all influential variables; Also, due to the impossibility of estimating some variables, variables were selected to enter the model that can be estimated so that the model does not lose its utility nature. In the stated preferences, people imagine themselves in situations designed according to the identified variables, and according to the nature of the discrete choice theory, people are expected to choose the option that creates the most utility for them among the available situations. The questionnaire used in the current research was designed with the theory of experiment design and factorial fractional method with level 4 resolution in the free MiniTab software. In addition, the results of questioning and calibration of the linear logistic regression model of binary type have been done in SPSS software. It is necessary to mention that the current research was designed according to the cultural, social and economic conditions of Tabriz city. It is expected that if the present model is used in other cities, the cultural, social and economic conditions of that region will be considered in the design of states and variables and levels corresponding to them. Finally, it is expected that the results of this research can be practical and useful for various organizations such as municipalities and village councils, whose main responsibility is waste management, as well as researchers and people who are concerned about environmental protection and urban management
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